Sunday, 18 June 2017

Dealing With Stress..

Every now and then the world just seems to fling crap at you for no reason. Whether its the boiler breaking or your going through a bad break up. Dealing with emotions are important factor in getting over what you are finding to be a difficult time. 

Some things in life you can just shrug of, for instance a car breakdown and you can take it as shit happens sort of situation. You deal with it quickly because it's a very temporary issue that happens. 

Now some situations in life you'll need a support network of people to help you through things. For instance a bad break up or a family member with an illness using your friends, family and co workers are the best way to deal with these sorts of situations. 

I personally find that people turn to alcohol to deal with a situation which can turn unhealthy very quickly. Some will spend a lot of money on buying things because it's helping them replace the thing that is now missing. 

I find that the best way of dealing with situations without turning to other negative things, is to make sure you are surrounding yourself with positive people. Those people that will tell you things to make you feel positive about yourself but at the same time will be kicking your butt telling you to move on. 

I find as well if I need to clear my head, I will go for a drive somewhere and that's sometimes enough. Similar to this I find going for a walk through a high street or somewhere that has fields or castles is a good way of distracting yourself from the negativity in life. 

For instance when I got into a car accident and it was totally not my fault, I found the stress of dealing with the 6 week long insurance battle with emails going back and forth too much. The best stress relief for myself personally during this situation was that I drove to Lakeside Shopping Centre, head phones in with music blasting and went for a walk around the massive shopping centre. I didn't buy anything that I didn't need spent less than £100 whilst up there which is a miracle for me. This helped clear my head and made me feel relax. 

Every situation will be different and dealing with it will take it's own course. I always find that when it comes to life you will always put though no matter what because you are strong. 

Remember instead of turning to alcohol maybe pick up a colouring book or crossword book, or do some pilates or Zumba. There's lots of videos online to help with these sorts of situations. 

How do you deal with stressful situations? 

Kim x 

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