Sunday, 25 October 2015

Things I Regret

Everyone has things that they regret doing, so I thought I would just say a few of them. 

1. Crashing my little howie (car)! I crashed my car in July 2013! I hit a rock which sent me into the air and promptly down an embankment and the car almost rolled (it went to roll but didn't, thankfully). This was quite a shock to the system considering I crashed it on the way to work at 3:40am. This did really knock my confidence in my driving ability but yet it has thought me a lesson! Everyone has to get their first crash out of the system and I've done mine. But my now otherhalf has helped me in my driving confidence and I'm getting better! 

2. Not focusing on myself more, I've only recently started to think about myself and spend time and money on things I want and do! I go out and buy myself a new perfume or a new pair of jeans as and when I want! I started blogging because I wanted to not because someone else has told me too! Happy Kim! 

3. Spending too much time on people I thought were my friends and then just to be dropped. As soon as I started my Tesco's job, finished sixthform and started going out with my otherhalf, which was all within a few weeks of each other. I was dropped by the people I thought were my friends. So at the moment in my life, it's just me, my otherhalf, family and work friends. 

4. Having to give up on badminton. I use to play badminton professionally but had to give it up due to my back. I have a trapped nerve in my back and it would go in a middle of a game and then I couldn't play any more because my back just wouldn't let me. The pain would be so overwhelming that I couldn't move. I still suffer with back pain now but not as much though. Sad times! This was my favourite thing to do. 😔

So there a few things that I regret either doing or not doing!.. Is there anything you do or don't regret doing? Comment below if you want to let me know!
Until next time! 

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