Thursday, 19 May 2016

Things Anxiety Sufferer's Can Relate Too! #1

I suffer with a really mild form of anxiety over different things in my life. I know there some people out there that suffer with anxiety and it stops them from doing a lot more than I could ever imagine. I know lots of fellow bloggers have recently start opening up about anxiety and how it affects them. 

I personally find that I do not suffer badly with anxiety. The only time I will suffer with it, is when I'm really unsure of a situation. Whether it's a family situation or whether its a work situation. I can get anxiety over spending time around family members, it does not matter whether it's Tristan's family or my family. I can get anxiety. 

My anxiety will not send me into panic attacks because I calm myself down before I get that deep into the situation. Everyone's anxiety is different and this is something that people have to remember when talking to other people about it. 

So I thought I would put a list together of things that only anxiety sufferers will understand. 

1. Anxiety can happen due to the smallest of things happening. It could be that you've brought the wrong size dress or top for a special event and you have not got much time to sort everything out. 

2. When people tell you to "relax". That's honestly the worst thing for someone to do especially when you're having a mega breakdown in your mind over something that appears so serious to you but to others it's something that is meaningless. 

3. You find yourself wanting to breakdown completely on certain days which will result in you literally curling into a ball and wanting to ball your eyes out and binge eat on Cadbury Button's. I experience this when everything gets too much. The anxiety level has built too much and it's resulted in you becoming at one with your duvet for the day or even the week. 

4. Cancelling plans is something you tend on trying to avoid because of the fact you think that the person you have the plans with will end up hating you. Even if it is your best friend. You still think of the worst things that could happen. 

5. The stomach pain and headaches that are cause by anxiety is literally the worse thing in the world. I can have a headache for a week because I'm anxious over something subconsciously. 

Well some of the things that I hope fellow anxiety suffers can relate to. Or even people who don't suffer with at all can take on board and understand when dealing with someone who suffers with anxiety. 

I hope to see you guys soon. Thanks for visiting!
Much love! Kim xx

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Big Boob Problems!

Big boobs cause problems! My girls have caused me loads of problems recently and I swear that I can't be the only woman in the world suffering with the same problems. 

- Pretty bras that are lacy and sexy are almost impossible to wear comfortably. That little string strap offers no form of support to the girls. 

- Your grandma colour beige, black and white bras that have the 2 inches of support strap across the shoulder are your best friends. Even if they are unflattering to look at!

- You can never wear across body bags, the strap just settles themselves straight into your cleavage.

- Exercising is something that sounds like horror to my ears. 1 sports bra will never offer enough support. 2 or more is needed to avoid 2 black eyes plus giving anyone else black eyes that stands within 3ft distance of you. 

- This one is a gross one but it's totally true and it happens. Boob sweat! Saying that makes me want to throw up however it happens and it's not attractive. But my tip is to easy baby powder and it will keep you sweat free for longer.

- When buying clothes you will always have to go a couple of sizes bigger just so the girls have got breathing room. The girls have to be able to breathe. 

- Wearing vest tops in public is just an invitation to have everyone look at your cleavage you maybe rocking. 

- One word. Backache! Them puppies cause the back to hurt.

- Talking about pain. You can't lay on them, they hurt way too much.

- Your boobs look massive if you wear anything that is skin tight. I've found a couple of dresses that fit me perfectly every where but my boobs look humongous.

So these are the problems I suffer with. What do you suffer with? Big boobs are nice to look at but they cause so much pain and discomfort. 

I hope you guys are liking this sort of posts. I shall see you again soon with another post. 

Much Love!

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Friends Quotes That Are Memorable & Relatable

So I've just spent a lot of time watching recently Friends recently after getting in from work and I thought I would share some of my favourite scenes. 

Joey trying to be the man around the apartment and drilling threw the wall.

Monica pointing out the flaws of everyone else in the group.

PIVOT! Ross, Rachel and Chandler trying to get the sofa up the stairs. PIVOT!

We all have that Pheobe moment where we don't even have a pla, let alone a plan! This is so relateable!

Chandler being unable to give advice so just offers out a sarcastic comment. This is me at times, I'm not the best at offering advice so sarcasm comes fluently out of my mouth! 

These are a few moments within friends that are relate-able or memorable. What are yours? Let me know!

Much Love

Monday, 9 May 2016

Things That All Parents Say..

Welcome back! Sorry I've no posted since the 1st May, I've been busy and blogging and YouTube took a back seat but I'm back baby! 

I was thinking back the other day about things that my mum & dad use to say to me as I was growing up! I thought I would collate their sayings together and make a post. I don't know whether anyone else went through the same things with their parents, if so let me know below. 

This one is my favourite! Whenever I ever asked my dad for something his response would be "to go ask your mother". So I would go and find mum and ask the same question and her response to me would be "to go ask your father". Do parents just do this to piss you off and annoy you so just end up going back and forth like a ping pong ball. 

Whenever you asked them to pay for something their response is always! "Money doesn't grow on trees?" Well yes, dahh! Money is made from paper and paper is from trees! Are you stupid?!

"If your friends jumped of a bridge, would you?" Well no but still I want to go out. I hated when my parents said this because I knew I weren't going to be allowed to do what I wanted to do. 

You know you would come home from school and complain that you've got shit loads of homework to do. My parents would always say, "Well the real world is a lot harder!" Bitch please getting my English, maths, science, history and every other subjects homework done in 1 night is stressful enough! 

When asking a question or having an argument your parents would always come out with "Because I said so". Bitch please, I know you've run out of excuses to say no to me so you bust out that excuse. 

Well these are just a few of the sayings my parents would say to me! What would your parents say to you! Let me know! Until next time! 


Sunday, 1 May 2016

May Advertiser's!

 It's that time again where we introduce a new month of advertisers. This month's advertisers are amazing ladies. I appreciate that everyone whose's taken the time to become my advertisers! I love you all so much!

So let's dive in to this month of advertiser's. 


Siobhan is a such a nice girl with a amazing blog. I can't get enough of how much I love her blog. She's my sort of blogger, she blogs about anything and everything that takes her fancy. I do love her blogs I think everyone should go be nosy and stalk her blog.


"After studying A-Levels in Photography, Graphic Design and Media Studies. I moved on to land my first job in the creative media sector. I love all things creative and I guess starting a blog was another great way of self expression for me. I had been contemplating starting my own blog for quite some time, and spending my time reading through countless other blogs, I finally decided to take the plunge. 
I called my blog Isla Roses, for obvious reasons really… My name is Isla and my middle name is Rose. Since I can remember I have always been nicknamed Rosie by my family, and I guess it just kind of stuck. My blog is going to be my space to ramble on, about a bit of everything I love, in the hope that someone may be the slightest bit interested in what I have to say"
I’m Corina and I love going on adventures and capture it all with pictures. Writing is a huge part of my life, it’s my way to be creative and I’m happy to share my journey with y’all. I’m obsessed with traveling, fashion and lifestyle, that’s why you find mainly that on my blog. Hope you enjoy it!


I love Aisling's blog. She posts mainly beauty posts with a hint of life thrown in there as well. She's new to the beauty world and I think she will go far with her blog. I'm slightly jealous of her photography, but shhh, don't tell her! haha! Go and say hello to her! I love her!

Aisling's Blog
Aisling's Twitter
Aisling's Instagram


Beauty With Andrea Is a Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle blog.
I post about product reviews on beauty products and my first impressions of these products.
I also love taking photographs and travelling to new places so I often add this to the Lifestyle section on my blog.

Lottie Does.. is a lifestyle blog that's also filled with food, fitness and lots of Disney magic! My blog has been my little space of the internet for almost three years now, and I'm loving it more every single day! Come and say hi, I'd love to see you!

Lottie's Blog
Lotties's Twitter
Lottie's Instagram

So they are my lovely ladies for this month! If you want to be apart of June's then please get in touch with me via my email:

Have a brilliant day and go and say hello to my lovely ladies! 
Until next time!

Much love
Kim xxx