Friday, 30 June 2017

Saving Goals..

I have done a blog posts about saving money and I thought I would say what my saving goals are for the future. I do also have a few more money saving post coming up, so keep your eye out for them

Now I do this and it helps me hit my milestones, I don't just say I need £30,000, I say I need £3,000 by August instead. Setting little goals makes you feel like everything is more achievable. The goal of £30,000 is something that will be saved between Tristan and myself.

So here are my goals for the next 12 months is to have £7,000 by June 2018. Now during this saving period I will have to pay out for insurance on my car which will be around £600 as well as Christmas which is always very expensive. 

Knowing that my milestone goal is £7,000. I will then break this down into 3 monthly goals.I use these little check point goals to know whether I'm on track to my milestone goal. 

Saving goal by August 17 is £3,000.
Saving goal by December 17 is £4,5000.
Saving goal by March 18 is £6,000.
Milestone goal for June 2018 is £7000.

These might seem obvious to do for some people but it's the way I save. It gives me a sense of achievement because I'm meeting little goals, instead of stating that it's going to take years reach my over all goal. Bitesize goals are the best. 

When it comes to saving around busy times of year, i.e. Christmas, I've started saving already for that now instead of running around in November and December time trying to balance both. 

I will keep you guys up to date on my savings when I get to August. What are your saving goals and tips on how you manage your goals? 


Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Tips For Smooth Legs

Now the summer is here and those summery dresses and shorts are making there way out of the wardrobe. It's time to make sure that these legs of yours and as smooth as a babies bottom. 

Before you shave you should always exfoliate your legs to get rid of any dead and dry skin off your legs. It will make it easier and create a nicer surface for the razor to do it's job. Using body scrubs on the skin is a prefect way of exfoliate the skin or using exfoliating gloves. I would recommend to any the Soap & Glory Smoothie Star Breakfast Scrub, it smells so good. Here's a link to it so you can check it out for yourself.

Always use shaving gel or cream when shaving and if not you should run out of shaving gel then use conditioner. It works a treat. 

When it comes to razors go for ones that have a hydration strip on it. I personally go for male razors because they are designed to be use on the face and that the individual blades are closure together. Which will give you a cleaner shave and as well male razors are cheaper. 

Changing your razor regularly has to be one of the biggest way to help with keeping your legs smooth. Old razors will cause you to have a nicks and razor burn on the skin. 

Hydrating the skin is important post shave, remember to place a body cream that contains shea butter. Do this as soon as you get out the shower, don't do what I do which is sit in your towel for hours and then get yourself ready. Body oils are a prefect way to help the skin if you aren't into the moisturisers. I love using the Vaseline Intensive Care Cocoa Spray Moisturiser, it's so easy to apply and it sinks into the skin quickly.

I sometimes find it best to leave your leg hair to grow a little bit before shaving. Now when I say this I don't mean have a set of Chewbacca legs, just don't shave everyday if you are able too. 

If you have any tricks to keeping your legs smooth then leave them as a comment below. 


Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Holiday Planning Tips

Now the summer season is starting and many of us are jetting off to foreign countries, or packing up the boot of the car and settling in for a long car journey. Some of us probably haven't even started looking yet and going to pick up last minute deal.

Now for booking a holiday I've found a few tips on how this could be made cheaper for you. 

- When looking for holidays and flights always search for this in a "Private" or "Incognito" Window. This means that the travel companies are unable to save and track cookies to what you have been searching for. Most companies will use this information and cause the cost of a flight or a hotel to increase. You have to be sneaky with that one. 

- Using comparison sites actually work, if your hotel you are staying in are on them. Sometimes phoning them direct it can be cheaper than using a comparison site. 

- Try and avoid travel agents whether these are Hoseasons, Haven or Thomas Cook for instance. If you can book the accommodation with the place you are staying directly it can be cheaper due to the fact you aren't paying for there fees. 

- Look in advance... I find booking a hotel at the airport is cheaper in January time for a holiday in August, September, October. 

- Use Black Friday and other big deal events to your advantage. Lots of companies are using these events to put on nice deals. 

- Look at flights and hotels around Christmas Time, it might sound weird and the last thing anyone is thinking of at that time of year. However so travel companies and airlines place big deals on because they know people aren't going to be looking into this sort of stuff at that time of year. 

These are just a few tips on how to holiday plan. I hope they were helpful plus if you have any of your own then please let me know. 

Kim x

Monday, 26 June 2017

Ways To Keep Ahead On Your Blog

Being an organised blogger can be difficult, staying a head so that you aren't writing a post the night before it's meant to go live can be difficult.

Now I have a few tips on how I stay a head of the game. 

- Planning is the key. Make a plan of your future blog posts. Get yourself a little diary or knock it up in a word document and create a list of post ideas and date them. Whilst you are doing that then you want to make a list of what you need to do to create the post, whether it's a certain photo you need or getting research from the internet. 

- I take or create my photos in bulk. Those summer days are here now so the prefect light is here so take advantage of it. Get all those's photos ready to go. Especially can be helpful if you've created the plan like I've stated above.

- If you are struggling for time, you could always download apps to your phone and write blogs up on your phone during your commute, break or just when you are out waiting to meet up with your friends.

- Struggling for ideas is something that happens to all bloggers. This is where you can look around at fellow bloggers posts and use them as inspiration. Don't copy but use them as inspiration, and mention the fellow blogger who has inspired your post, it's a good gesture in the blogging word. 

- I personally find if I'm watching a film then I will write a post at the same time. Multi tasking seems like the way to go with it all. 

If you have any tips to stay ahead in the blogging game, then please let me know. All the help will be greatly appreciated.


Friday, 23 June 2017

Letter To My Future Self..

I've done an open letter to my 18 year old self and now I would love to do a letter to my future self. I'm going to be writing a letter for my 25 year old self. I'm only 22 so this is something that is to my very near future self. 

I hope you are smiling whilst you are reading this post, there's a few things that I hope you have achieved.

- You will hopefully still be with Tristan and sharing your 7th anniversary. Yay, you've done well for not killing him! haha. I say this with love. Remember you are sharing your 4th this year.. can you remember what you got each other? Hint.. Crash Bandicoot.. 

- Hopefully you'll be Mrs To Be, that's if Tristan has pulled his finger out. Let's pray and hope that it isn't a haribo ring like he keeps joking around saying his going to do. I hope you are happy with everything and I'm sure his still treating you like the queen you are. Yes, he might say no to some things but remember you can always sweet talk him into most things. If he hasn't proposed by then kick him up the arse! Make him put a ring on it but don't force it if he isn't ready. But hinting will never hurt. 

- So you should hopefully be in the stage of buying a house together, you should hopefully reached your target and now you'll be in the process of getting a mortgage and starting to look at house's. This is something that is a massive step into adult hood. It will test Tristan and you, however you will get through it, hard decision will happen but compromise is the key but stand your ground girl. 

- You might still be at your current job and if you are I hope you are enjoying it still. If you move forward I hope you find something that suits you and that you can get your teeth into. Something that involves a good eye for design and making things looking amazing. 

- Your family would of more than likely would of expanded. Your siblings would of created another sprog, so that adds to the large number of nephews and nieces that you already have. You have 6 right now and one of the way that will born in September but don't forget you've got 2 nieces from Tristan's side of the family too. You might have more from them too. 

- Talking about family expanding, you might have a sprog of your own and if you do you'll be a fantastic mum. Remember you've got an amazing support network, Auntie Dawnie and Auntie Jenny will be there in a flash because they love all the nephews and nieces as is. I hope if you do have a child by then it's a healthy and happy child, it will either be a mini Tristan or a Mini you... god help the world. 

- I hope what ever situation you find yourself in 3 years you are happy and excited about your future. I'm excited to see whether you achieve your goals of having a home by the age of 26. I hope you stay healthy, and in a loving relationship with Tristan!

Much Love 

Kim xx

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Blogger Of The Week!

I thought I would share some of the love within the blogging community. So I've decided that I will do this "Blogger Of The Week" where either once a week or once every 2 weeks I will dedicate a blog post to a blogger that I truly like and love reading their content.

My first blogger of the week went to Amie Hayward. If you haven't seen that post then I shall leave it here.

Anyway time for the new blogger of the week and this weeks blogger of the week goes too, Sarah Dickinson the face behind Sunshine Sarahxo. Sarah shares so much love amongst other bloggers and she is forever having a conversation with people over her twitter.

I personally love that Sarah has guest bloggers on her blog, it gives her blog a larger range of diversity on her blog not like it needs anymore. Considering that Sarah writes everything from beauty reviews, stationary hauls and book reviews and there's so much more.

She is always posting pictures on her Instagram and it's so nice to see what she is getting up to.

Sarah's blog layout is a pleasing to the eye, she has gone for a simple layout however it isn't too much. I love a simple layout where the content is allowed to shine through instead of being surrounded by so much bright colours in the background.

I shall leave a range of links of Sarah's social media below so you guys can go check her out yourself!

Sarah's Twitter - @sunshinesarahxo
Instagram - @sunshinesarahxo

I hope you enjoyed this segment in my blog, can't wait to see the next segment in this blogger of the week! Remember to always share the love when it comes to the blogging world.


Sunday, 18 June 2017

Dealing With Stress..

Every now and then the world just seems to fling crap at you for no reason. Whether its the boiler breaking or your going through a bad break up. Dealing with emotions are important factor in getting over what you are finding to be a difficult time. 

Some things in life you can just shrug of, for instance a car breakdown and you can take it as shit happens sort of situation. You deal with it quickly because it's a very temporary issue that happens. 

Now some situations in life you'll need a support network of people to help you through things. For instance a bad break up or a family member with an illness using your friends, family and co workers are the best way to deal with these sorts of situations. 

I personally find that people turn to alcohol to deal with a situation which can turn unhealthy very quickly. Some will spend a lot of money on buying things because it's helping them replace the thing that is now missing. 

I find that the best way of dealing with situations without turning to other negative things, is to make sure you are surrounding yourself with positive people. Those people that will tell you things to make you feel positive about yourself but at the same time will be kicking your butt telling you to move on. 

I find as well if I need to clear my head, I will go for a drive somewhere and that's sometimes enough. Similar to this I find going for a walk through a high street or somewhere that has fields or castles is a good way of distracting yourself from the negativity in life. 

For instance when I got into a car accident and it was totally not my fault, I found the stress of dealing with the 6 week long insurance battle with emails going back and forth too much. The best stress relief for myself personally during this situation was that I drove to Lakeside Shopping Centre, head phones in with music blasting and went for a walk around the massive shopping centre. I didn't buy anything that I didn't need spent less than £100 whilst up there which is a miracle for me. This helped clear my head and made me feel relax. 

Every situation will be different and dealing with it will take it's own course. I always find that when it comes to life you will always put though no matter what because you are strong. 

Remember instead of turning to alcohol maybe pick up a colouring book or crossword book, or do some pilates or Zumba. There's lots of videos online to help with these sorts of situations. 

How do you deal with stressful situations? 

Kim x 

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Saving Money..

Recently I have started being hard on myself when it comes to my finances. I would love to spend every pay check on clothes, makeup, cheeky McD's after work every night, but ay who wouldn't. A sneaky 6 chicken nuggets won't hurt every now and then though. hehe. 

Anyway, I'm the only one of my 7 siblings whose still living at home. I would love to move out and have a house that I can call my own, which means I need the mortgage deposit. 

Being realistic I need around £20,000 saved for a decent deposit on a house. I've done so much research into this myself to see what's out there in the world that can help me save my money. 

Here's some things that I've done to help me start saving for my massive goal of £20,000.

- Analysed my outgoings to my income. So I listed what my 'wants' and 'needs' were when it came too my expenditure. Anything that was a want I analysed and got rid off.

- I got rid of any subscription boxes. Mine was my Birchbox which was £12.95 every month. It weren't really worth it anyway.

- I stopped online shopping unless it was necessary I use to be so bad, if I got bored then I would online shop now I distract myself with TV or colouring in. 

- I stopped reading the advertising emails that come through from companies telling you about all these amazing deals, like '20% off' or 'Free Next Day Delivery'. How tempting these are they can be the worst for your bank account.

- Sell your shit... not literally shit, but your old stuff. Whether it's clothes, shoes, bags, furniture. There's plenty of websites that can help you sell things. I use Depop and Ebay. As they say, 'Another Man's trash is another man's gold'. 

Now here comes for the fun part. Where to start with a mortgage savings account. Now there's so many out there and it's mind boggling at how much is on offer. However I went for something called a 'Help To Buy ISA' account, which is designed for first time buyers. 

Now this is a special savings account that you can open up with a maximum of £1200 and you can then put in £200 every month after that. For every £200 after you've saved after £1600 you will earn £50 however you will not be physically given the money. It gets applied for once your in the mortgage process. You can earn an extra £3000 towards your mortgage deposit, just for having this special account. Nice ay. Plus if you are applying for a mortgage with your partner, they can also have one of these ISA accounts which means £6000 free money between you's. 

As well as this I also place money into 3 different savings account which are for separate things like, Mortgage savings, fee and general savings. I have this set up as a direct debit. So once every pay check comes into my account my direct debits to my savings account are taken and I don't have to worry. 

I'm going to stop there because I've got a feeling that this is turning into a long blog post. I will post more soon about what I do to save money for my deposit. I hope this helps anyone out there. Shall see you around soon.

Kim x

Sunday, 11 June 2017

Blogger Of The Week..

I thought I would share some of the love within the blogging community. So I've decided that I will do this "Blogger Of The Week" where either once a week or once every 2 weeks I will dedicate a blog post to a blogger that I truly like and love reading their content. 

So kicking off this new series is, Amie Hayward. She is the mastermind and the delight that writes The Curvaceous Vegan. Her blog is full of exciting things from makeup reviews, fashion, food and lifestyle posts. Her content is so varied and this is what I love about it. 

I have to make sure when I'm reading her food recipe posts that I've eaten something before hand because I'm always hungry after seeing what she has whipped up in the kitchen. 

Her photography is on point. She has got that eye for detail and you can see this in her blog design & layout as well. I can tell she has taken her time in creating her blog which is just prefect. 

Something that I love about Amie is that every time I log onto Twitter she's always posting something and she is always engaging and sharing the love with others. She's a good egg in the blogging community and I hope others see this too. 

Now her Instagram is just fantastic, her photos are amazing but her stories are just as fantastic. There's always a notification on there telling me that she's posted something new, she keeps you entertained through all of her platforms. Which is something I find amazing, she's making sure that all her followers are getting something. 

I will leave some of her links down below so you guys can check her out for yourselves. 

Amie's Twitter: @amiehayward
Blog: The Curvaceous Vegan
Instagram: @amiehayward

I hope you loved this post and I hope to see you around for more positivity spreading. Let me know who's your favourite bloggers are. See you soon.

Kim x 

Friday, 9 June 2017

I'm Back...

I sort of disappeared off the face of the blogging world around 14 months ago, just because I did. Not much reason for it I was just getting distracted with work and life in general. Anyway I don't want to ramble on. But I'm coming back sort off... haha. I'm planning on writing a blog post around once or twice a week, which ever suits in with life.

Life has got bit more interesting since I last posted on here. I've got a couple of new editions to the family. Starting with a new niece, Brooke who was born December last year, and theres another niece or nephew on the way and due in September 2017. This brings my total of niece's and nephew's to 9. 

I'm still in my loving relationship with my man, Tristan. We will be celebrating our 4 year anniversary in July! EXCITINGGGG!

That it really I just thought I would say a little bit of what's going on in my life. There will be a post coming in the next few days. 

Hope to see you around

Kim x