I have done a blog posts about saving money and I thought I would say what my saving goals are for the future. I do also have a few more money saving post coming up, so keep your eye out for them
Now I do this and it helps me hit my milestones, I don't just say I need £30,000, I say I need £3,000 by August instead. Setting little goals makes you feel like everything is more achievable. The goal of £30,000 is something that will be saved between Tristan and myself.
So here are my goals for the next 12 months is to have £7,000 by June 2018. Now during this saving period I will have to pay out for insurance on my car which will be around £600 as well as Christmas which is always very expensive.
Knowing that my milestone goal is £7,000. I will then break this down into 3 monthly goals.I use these little check point goals to know whether I'm on track to my milestone goal.
Saving goal by August 17 is £3,000.
Saving goal by December 17 is £4,5000.
Saving goal by March 18 is £6,000.
Milestone goal for June 2018 is £7000.
These might seem obvious to do for some people but it's the way I save. It gives me a sense of achievement because I'm meeting little goals, instead of stating that it's going to take years reach my over all goal. Bitesize goals are the best.
When it comes to saving around busy times of year, i.e. Christmas, I've started saving already for that now instead of running around in November and December time trying to balance both.
I will keep you guys up to date on my savings when I get to August. What are your saving goals and tips on how you manage your goals?
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