Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Body Confidence

Now body confidence is something that I'm sure every body suffers with at some point in there life. At this time of year it increases a lot for some people, due to the weather changing and it getting warmer, more skin on show is inevitable to keep cool. 

I find personally that the area of my body I get self conscious about is my stomach area. I personally will never ever wear crop tops because I don't think that Tom, Dick and Harry down the road want to see my muffin top sticking out over the top of my jeans. But yet again why am I taking other peoples feelings and thoughts into consideration? Is it so I look socially acceptable? Or how society dictates how I look? 

Those sorts of thoughts should never come into your mind when deciding what to wear. For instance I have had this installed into my mind since I was a young teenager that "fatter" girls should never wear horizontal stripes, they should only wear vertical because it's "slimming". What a load of donkey dick, that is. This is something that I don't believe in myself. Wear whatever stripes you want and in whatever direction you want them in to. 

It's a lot easier said than done to ignore what you think other people are thinking about you and what you are wearing. However I find doing every small trips out to the shop or post office is the best time to test new things out when it comes to an outfit. 

I have never and will never try on clothes whilst in changing rooms like Primark or New Look. I find trying on clothes in familiar surrounding can do you a world of good. I find that changing rooms have a funny light or weird mirrors in them at times which makes the clothes look different. Yes, this can be a pain especially when you've got to take stuff back but I find it the best way to do it personally. Plus I normally have a fashion parade when trying them on in front of Tristan or my mum. 

Body confidence is all a mental state of mind. The way I think of it, is that everyone has a fat roll when they bend over, or that famous people will also have body issues as well. They are in the lime light and they have got to look amazing according to media but they try there hardest to hide it. Some of them are doing us woman proud and flaunting there body hang ups with pride. Which is what we as women and men should be doing too. 

Remember you rock..

Kim x 

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