Friday, 25 August 2017

Saving Goal Update #1

If you have been following my blog you'll know that I'm on a saving mission of a life time. If you are new to my blog then just so you know I'm saving for a mortgage deposit. I thought I would just do a little update for you guys.

End of August is when I set my first milestone goal of achieving £3,000. I have smashed that saving goal and I have actually saved an extra £400.

oh yeah.. 

Super proud of myself to say the least. I don't know what to even say about it but the way to look at it is that I have saved just over 10% of my overall deposit. 

I shall update you guys again in December, my target for then is to have £4,000. I have got lots of other things to pay out for in November & December which will hinder my savings however I should still be able to hit saving goal. Hopefully! Let's hope Christmas presents are too expensive!

How are your savings going?


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