Friday, 29 September 2017

You Inspired A Post.. Enjoy it.

I just need to write this to get it off my chest. I have done a blog post called, '5 Reasons Why I Won't Get Close To You'. If you haven't see it then I will leave it linked here. Now I feel like doing an open letter to one of the many people that helped to inspire that post. Just so you know I've changed the name of the person, just incase the person reads my blog. We shall call them Kate.


Kate you aren't perfect and neither am I, however stop bitching about me with your "best friend". Just so you know be careful who you slag me off in front of. Remember not everyone knows how to keep their mouth shut and I get told about what you say and when you say it. 

You are going to have to get use to me being around whether you like it or not. So grow a pair and deal with it. I smile and try my hardest to be civil with you for the sake of people that surround us both. Yes, I might not tend to socialise with you and I would rather spend my time with other people.

You need to stop gossiping about your "best friends" personal life as well. I really do not need to know all the in's and out's of her life. Nice to know how much you respect her feelings and her privacy, that you just share everything with every man and their dog. 

You really should stop bragging about what you are doing in your life, when I personally know your life is being lived on credit cards and loans from the everyone left, right and centre. You're trying to live the "prefect life" however you are trying to hard. 


Everyone has their own opinion and I fully understand everyone has the right to express it. There is a time and a place for it. I'm just expressing what I feel. 

Have you got someone you would love to write a open letter too?


Wednesday, 27 September 2017

My Bad Habits

I've got so many habits and some are helpful and some are bloody terrible. I can not tell you how bad some of my habits are...

I am somebody how has to be the one organising everything. I struggle with letting other people take control of things like holidays or organising something that is important. I personally have to know what's going on, what time, how much it's going to cost. Letting go is a hard thing to do. 

Double checking everything if not triple checking things. I don't have an OCD disorder or anything however, I can't just do something once I will have to do it a couple of times to make sure I've done it or that I've done it correctly. For instance I will lock my car and pull the hand, walk away from my car and make sure it's locked again by pushing the button on the key fob and every now and then I have to walk back to the car and try the handle again. 

I get into the habit of forgetting my highlighter or a board pen, which is a bad thing anyway. However I will then ask a co worker for a pen and then I will find myself putting it in my mouth. Blurghhh, I have got such a bad habit of doing. I have to keep reminding myself that it's not my pen. I'm sure most people chew pens or put them in your mouth.

Now you can call me disgusting, I do not always take my make up off before going to bed. I think this is because I get in so late at night, that I just want to go to bed. 

Falling asleep when I put a film on. I always do this, I bug Tristan to watch a film and I fall asleep within 10 minutes of putting it on. DOH! 

What are you're bad habits? 

Monday, 25 September 2017

What's In My Carry On?

So for most the summer holidays and jet setting to amazing destinations are over, however I'm still to take my summer holiday. I'm flying out the country soon to the sunny destination of Spain. It's my second holiday of the year and I'm looking forward to another week away. My first getaway this year was to Dublin which was an amazing experience.

So lets get down to it.

My carry on bag is a Michael Kors inspired handbag. If I could afford the real one I would have one however this bag, I've had for around 3 years and it's still going strong. This bag is my usual handbag.  My carry on bag will hold all the stuff for Tristan and I because he doesn't take a bag. I am his bag without that sounding horrible! haha. I mean all boyfriends dump everything into their girlfriends handbags right?

What's inside it?

Passport for both Tristan and I which is housed inside this Birchbox wallet that came out either in 2016 or 2015. It's just an plastic wallet with a zip. The bright colour is helpful for when you have just got everything chucked in your bag you can find it very easily.

Listening to music is one of my favourite things to do when I'm on a flight especially when Tristan is in his sleepy mood. I don't have anyone to talk if his asleep so headphones in and then it's time to star out the window. The headphones I will be packing are my typical bog standard iPhone headphones and Tristan over the head Skullcandy headphones.

I have 2 purses. I have one for Euros and the other is for British money.

Medicine is something that I carry anyway in my day to day handbag So taking away on holiday is a must. Paracetamol, plasters, imodium - for those shit moments. Pardon the bad dad joke.

A pen. You never know when you need a pen however a pen is important. I feel like I sound like my mother.

Spare hair and clips. I will always pack spare stuff like this because of the chance that I loss any clips or that my hair band breaks.

Spare underwear and socks, now call me a bit weird but if you ever have your luggage lost I'd rather know that I have got some clean undies and socks to put on whilst they try and find my luggage.

Small Wordsearch book. I brought this one as a part of a haul back at the beginning of the year and I think it cost 99p from The Works. I do get bored very easily so having something to help pass the time is amazing. I can not spend too much starring at the book though because if the flight is a bit bumpy I will get travel sick.

Electrical items:
- My DSLR Camera
- Charger
- Phones
- Phone chargers
- Plug Adapters.

Now I will always carry my electrical items in my hand luggage because of the fact they get thrown around the place if they were in the hold. Plus if your suitcase gets lots then you know that you've still got a way of charging your phone.

I can not wait to get on my flight! Get me in that warm country!


Friday, 22 September 2017

My Ultimate Guide For A Prefect Duvet Day

You know them days when you are just feeling yucky and horrible, or just want one of those cosy days snuggled under the duvet. Yes? Well here are my must haves for those days.

Get snacks.
Whether you are ordering a pizza or a Chinese, or have emptied the shelves at the local supermarket or crisps and chocolate. You do not have to worry about the calories, it's a duvet day. Calories don't count when your having a duvet day.

Get Drinks
Now this can be what ever you want. Whether you want a bottle of rosè or a mug of hot chocolate topped with marshmallows, it's all up to you. I go for lots of fizzy drinks, I know it's bad on the calorie side of things. But as I said above calories don't count when your having a duvet day.

Appropriate Clothing
Now clothing is an important factor when it comes to having a prefect cosy day. Now I find an oversize top is the best (one of Tristan's tops). I love to wear a small pair of shorts so I don't get too warm and a pair of fluffy socks so my little feet are super cosy. 

However if you want to wear the fluffiest favourite pair of pjs or onesies that you own then you do you. 

Get your Netflix set up or a stack of DVD's at the ready.
Entertainment is absolutely key for the a perfect duvet day. Get yourself settled in for an absolute binge fest of your favourite movies or TV series. 

Light some candles.
Now I light candles on them autumn/wintery evenings to add some warmth and to make the room feel even cosier than it was before.

Blanket or duvet at the ready. 
I either have a duvet or my fleece lined blanket at the ready when it comes to being cosy. My even sometimes have both! Mega cosy.

Get a snuggle buddy. (optional)
Now I love having a good snuggle buddy for my duvet days. My snuggle buddy is Tristan however not everyone has a snuggle buddy of the human sort. Get your cat or dog snuggled up in the blankets with you. 

Now go and enjoy yourself! Let me know what your favourite duvet day entertainment is?


Wednesday, 20 September 2017

30 More Lifestyle & Beauty Blog Ideas

I've already done an blog post about blog ideas and it went down well with all of you so I thought I would create another but this time with more ideas. I hope these inspire you.

1. Monthly look back
2. What's in your bag
3. Facts about you
4. Your favourite bloggers or vloggers
5. Share your guilty pleasures
6. Write a story or anecdote about something that's happened to you
7. Share your "First". (first kiss, first girls or guys holiday)
8. Show off your makeup collection 
9. Interview a blogger. (Make a series out of it) 
10. Your favourite habits.
11. Write why you got into blogging
12. Favourite movie snack list
13. What are your highs and lows of the year far
14. Post about your pets
15. Share your favourite recipe
16. Write about what makes you happy
17. Favourite apps on your phone
18. Favourite TV Shows
19. 5 things that make you laugh out loud
20. Create a post about your celebrity crush
21. Songs your loving right now playlist.
22. Write about something you struggle with and how you are helping yourself deal with it
23. Your top pet peeves.
24. Tell us about ways to win your heart.
25. Your favourite books
26. What's in your handbag
27. Write about what is most important to you!
28. OOTD posts.
29. Favourite Accessories right now
30. Whose your role model?


Monday, 18 September 2017

My Pet Peeves

Pet Peeves is something that everyone of have and face everyday. Here is a small list of my pet peeves.

People chewing with their mouths open.

People who are fake. If you don't like someone just tell them. Don't be all nice to their face and a bitchy c**t behind their back. 

People who think their children are amazing little angels and they are just the most annoying and most misbehaving children ever. 

People who never shut up talking about themselves.

Parents who don't tell their children off when they have done something wrong.

Children that talk back.
People driving so slowly in the fast lane! 

People using their phone whilst driving.

People who have to be the centre of attention.

People who don't use the indicator.

Those self entitled people! Who think they are entitled to everything and anything in life.

Those sales people who are trying to make you buy something when you are just browsing the shelves. 

Those sales people that don't leave you alone even though you got your headphones in, 

Bad parking. Mate, seriously you don't need to be parked over 2 spaces because you think your shitty "Limited Edition" Corsa is the bees knees. 

I know I said small list, haha! What are your pet peeves?


Friday, 15 September 2017

Budgeting For Christmas Now

I know we are in September and yet my brain is thinking about Christmas already. Saying this I've been planning Christmas now since July. I know it's crazy but it's necessary! I don't use credit cards because I don't see the point in spending money that you don't actually have. 

Now I have a few people to by for at Christmas. However where I'm apart of a very large family, between my siblings and my parents we have decided to do secret santa. Where we only have to buy for a male and a female in the family instead of having to purchase 14 gifts for each of my siblings, there partners and my parents. It makes our life easier and it's a lot friendlier on the olde purse. 

My budgeting starts with making a list of everyone who I'm buying for and then I brain storm gift ideas for each person that I'm buying a gift for. I will then start looking around to find that gift and then I shall see how much it costs and see whether I can get it any cheaper. I've tried to think of different things as gifts for people because unique gifts are the best. 

My budget is looking at around £500. This is to cover everyone from; Tristan, my family and Tristan's family. I have to plan everything now days because of saving for a mortgage deposit. If I'm able to get all my Christmas shopping done for cheaper then that money will go to my mortgage deposit. 

If any of you are wondering that I've started buying things for Christmas. I've already spent £46.74 and this covers 7 peoples gifts, which I think is amazing! 

If you have budgeting tips then please let me know what they are. I'm saving crazy at the moment. 


Wednesday, 13 September 2017

5 Reason Why I Will Never Get Close To You

I find it very hard to get close to people as in best friend close. I have literally 1 best friend which is Tristan, which is obvious as his my boyfriend. There are plenty of people in my life that I should be a lot closer too, however I personally can't get close to them for many reasons. Here are some of them.

1. You slag me of behind my back. 

I will never get close to you because of the way you think it's perfectly fine to slag me off behind my back and think that I'm never going to find out. WRONG! I find everything out. 

2. You don't know how to keep a secret.

I'm sorry but friends should never spill their best friends secrets to the world. I know everything and anything about people I shouldn't know anything about because someone doesn't know how to keep their mouth shut. 

3. You are so pretentious. 

Nobody in this world stands above anyone in importance. I find it so aggravating and it's a horrible trait to find in a person. 

4. You are creating a fake facade.

Let me explain this. I can't stand it when people are like 'look at me' and all this stuff that I can "afford" however when you find out that everything is being done via borrowing money left and right. It's not big and it's not clever. If you decide to live your life like that, that's up to you however it's not something that I want within a friend. Just don't be fake. 

5. Your friends are dicks. 

Now I can not be friends with someone whose friends are just dicks. I find personally that people who are surround themselves in bitches for friends and often bitches themselves. 

What stops you getting close with people? Let me know!


Monday, 11 September 2017

Gifts For Disney Fans

Now I know there are many Disney fans out there and a few of them are in my family. Now I've got a gift guide for Disney fans. 

Disney Themed Prints. These are so easy to come by on the internet especially on Etsy. If you are looking for prints go to Sweet Allure on Etsy. Tarnya makes amazing prints which you should check out.

Disney Pyjamas.  I'm sure a lot of people love PJ's and Primark for instance do so many different styles and there range of characters are large. They are very purse friendly. Plus Primark have an amazing range of Disney PJ's, so they are easy accessible to most people. 

Disney Earrings.  This is a simple but yet effective present. 

Disney Themed Phone/Tablet/Laptop Cases. You can pick these up on Ebay for a few pounds however the range of choice is so large you'll find something for everyone.

Disney Themed Notebooks.  I personally love a good notebook, I get super excited when I get a fresh new one. So if someone you are purchasing for is like me and appreciates a good notebook and obviously loves Disney then why not blend them together.

Disney Themed Jewellery Tray.  Now I do love a good little jewellery tray to place my jewellery at the end of the day or just before I go in for a shower. This is something that will fit very easily into any interior design that someone might have. 
The Disney Book. Now this is something that I purchased Michelle 2 years ago for Christmas. This book tells you everything about the making of different movies. At the back of the book there was film strips to Alice and Wonderland, which I thought was a cute little touch. 

Disney Plush Toys. This is something that is a simple gift that can be found in most toy stores.

Disney Store Gift Cards. This is something that might be seen as an "easy" or "no effort" gift. However the Disney Store isn't cheap but if you aren't sure on what they will love the most then this is probably the best way to go. 

What gift ideas do you have for fellow Disney Fans?


Friday, 8 September 2017

My Top 3 Websites For Bloggers

When blogging sometimes you need a little help every now and then. Since I've come back to blogging in June I found a few websites that have helped me get back on my blogging A game. 

So here are a few of my favourite websites:


Pixabay is a website which allows a 'vibrant community of creatives, sharing copyright free images and videos'. Basically you log on and search for particular topic then you can download the image without worrying about copyright. 

I use Pixabay photos for those title photos. It's amazing for those times when you haven't got enough time to get you bum in gear to take some photos. It's a bit like google with it's layout.


Fotor is an amazing for those who haven't got Photoshop. It's an online photo editing tool. It's very simple to use and I find it a lot easier to use compared to Photoshop. It's free and you haven't got to purchase or sign up for anything you can just log on and start using it. They do have an option on there website where you can upgrade and unlock more editing software however this comes at a cost.


I absolutely love Buffer, it allows you to scheduled tweets and Facebook status.  It's a fantastic tool for those who are extremely busy or those who do not want to be stuck or glued to their phone. 

It's super simple to create an account all you do is sign up for the website and register your social media accounts with them. Start scheduling your tweets and setting the time and day for them and your away. I personally don't pay out for the Awesome package which is $10 a month or $102 a year which allows you to schedule as many tweets or statuses as you like. The free package allows you to schedule up to 10 tweets or statuses, which allows myself to schedule a day worth at a time.

I hope these websites are helpful for you, if you don't use them already! If you have other websites that you find helpful then leave them in the comments.


Wednesday, 6 September 2017

My Struggles With Fashion.

I got this idea from Tristan because he has recently pointed out what I do when I'm out shopping for clothes as well as putting clothes on. 

Size morphing. It's not that you are changing sizes as you go shopping it's the fact that shops don't all have the same sizes. For instance you might be a size 12 in Primark but H&M you could be a size 16. It never makes sense. Personally I'm a size 12/14 I'm that awkward size, however I have to get a size 14/16 in tops when in Primark, but if I went and brought a top from Newlook it would be a size 12. 

When you find the prefect top, you know it fits perfectly and you wash it and that's when it never fits the same again. Shrinkage in clothes is the worst. 

If you are short then there's no such thing as a maxi dress for you unless you are going to be wearing wedges or a heel with it. I find it so hard to find things that sit where they should because I'm only 5ft 5". Which is a "normal" height for women however fashion companies don't always cater for us  smaller people. 

Does anyone else instantly regret wearing a playsuit when you go to the loo and you become very aware, very quickly that you're sitting there practically naked.

This isn't a struggle but it's something that Tristan has pointed out that he knows when I'm putting skinny jeans on, that I do a little dance. I call it the 'skinny jean dance'. I know that everyone does this little dance to get themselves into their jeans. I know you know what I'm talking about, you do a little bounce and squat move. Tristan will forever take the mick out off me and go and  say 'here comes the dance' as I put on my skinny jeans. 

What are your struggles with fashion? Let me know.


Monday, 4 September 2017

10 Autumnal Blog Post Ideas

I absolutely love autumn and it's one my favourite seasons of the year. If you are a lover of autumn then here are some blog post ideas to get you and your blog firmly planted into the autumn.

1. Cake Recipes.
2. How to make your room cosy.
3. Your Autumn fashion must haves.
4. Your favourite autumn makeup look.
5. Favourite Candles Edit.
6. Halloween Makeup Ideas.
7. Your top 5 pumpkin flavoured things.
8. Ultimate Cosy night in.
9. Favourite Scary movies.
10. Autumnal Skincare.

I am publishing this blog before I've even been on my summer holiday, which is ridiculous however I hope you enjoyed this and create some amazing blog posts.


Friday, 1 September 2017

Places To Shop On A Budget

Now being frugal with money is something that I'm having to be. Gone are the days when I would go out and spend £400 and not think nothing of it. Now I question myself when I'm purchasing anything nowadays. 

However during my frugal spending I've discovered some shops that sell things that can we all use in our day to day life as well as gifts. Here's a few of my favourite haunts for shopping bargains.

Home Bargains
The Original Factory 
TJ Hughes

I personally don't become embarrassed about going into discount stores, however I do hear people making comments every now and then about heading into discount stores. I've always said if you can a bottle of shampoo in Morrisions for £4 but get the same bottle in a bargain store for £1 then why not. It saves money at the end of the day. You live within means.

What are you favourite bargain haunts? let me know!
