There's so many different types of girlfriends out there. I see other people in their relationships and you see that everyone's girlfriends are different with the way they act. This is just a few of the different 'types' of girlfriends out there.
Health Nut
This girlfriend is the sort of one that will go out her way to avoid certain things in food, she will treat her body as a temple and makes sure she doesn't consume something that is bad for her. She will be asking for almond milk instead of normal milk because of the diary.
Social Media Queen
The social media queen is the girl who is always on her social media. Uploading Instagrams' and tweets all the time. They get shed loads of likes for something as simple as a photo of a milkshake. She slays at everything she does on her social media accounts.
This girl is the one that finds any flaw or fault in everything that their other half does. This is type of girl I find the most annoying. They will judge everything that their other half does. Like for instance that they have had their hair cut too short or not the way it should be done.
The best that someone can give her will never be adequate for them. They could be brought whatever she wants and it's still not good enough.
Overly Attached
These are the girl that is so clingy. They find the need to always around their fella. They need to have the reassurance from their partner that they love them or that their relationship is stil going strong. I personally find these people to be the ones that will ask questions lot or they try to smother their partner will all their attention.
Over sensitive
This is the girlfriend that literally takes everything to heart, even if it has been said as a joke. It could of been something sill as they have made a comment about what food they are eating or how much food they have eaten! They will take it to heart and blow it all out of proportion! Best thing to do is probably never make a comment about weight or anything like that.
There's always that girl that get jealous over everything their otherhalf does. Whether they are just hanging out with friends and some of them friends are girls as well. This will annoy them and make them jealous because they find themselves thinking that they should be the only woman that their partner actually cares about.
I personally find when it comes to me, I'm a mixture of all the ones listed above apart from the health nut one. Don't tell me a salad is good for me when you know all I'm going to do is going to get myself a happy meal! Haha!
All joking aside, everyone acts differently dependant on their past history of being a girlfriend, as well they might just naturally have the mannerisms or the behaviour that causes them to be a certain way. Either way to look at it, if you weren't someone that your partner couldn't stand they wouldn't be with you now.
In my relationship with Tristan I have my moments when all these things listed above come out in me. It's something that is natural. I'm personally a very over protective girlfriend so my jealous side and my overly sensitive side can come out very often. I'm not afraid to admit that! However I find being slightly jealous is a good thing because you are showing your love for them. However I try and not go over board upon it.
Anyway, let me know below what you thought of this post and as well what sort of girlfriend are you?
Until next time!
Kim xx