Monday, 18 April 2016

Motivational Monday Hit List!

Do you find Mondays' a struggle? Start of the working week? or even its the hump day of you working week? 

I know I personally struggle with a Monday even though it's the second day of my "working" week. I struggle with a normal week in general but a Monday is always the worst day for me, for some strange reason.

Recently I've been struggling to keep myself organised. My mind is not with it, I'm not planning anything anymore nor keeping to anything that I plan, which is bad I know. 
Well I thinking that I'm going to make a hit list of everything, I've got to do by the end of week. I do find that sometimes writing things down on a post it note or in a organiser does nothing for me at time. I find sometimes writing something down that other people can see will make me do the jobs that I've got to do. Some of these jobs have been on my list for a while and need to be done.

- Tidy that god damn pig sty of a bedroom. Get the sacks of clothes you bagged up weeks ago down stairs and get the crap sorted out in general.
- Make sure you film a YouTube video this week.. You failed last week because you just wanted to chill out in bed watching Supernatural with Tristan.
- See that not very white car you own, you know the one you haven't cleaned in around what feels about 100000 years. That needs to be cleaned. Yes, you have to do the inside as well. (If you knew how bad the inside of my car was you would be crying in pain for me.) 
- Start planning posts ahead of time.. instead of rushing home at midnight after finishing work and quickly writing a post up. *cough* Not doing that now at all *trying not to look guilty*

Stop colouring in just for a day or 2 and focus your attention. (which I must add is like a goldfish) and get things done. Please Kim.. sort it out. 

How do you get yourself motivated and ready to attack all the jobs you've got to do? Let me know... I'm needing some motivation to get myself sorted out. I want to sort myself out. I really don't know what's happened to me recently. Send me some love girls. What are your tips and tricks?

Hopefully if I'm motivated enough I have completed a couple of things that are on my list of jobs to do by the next time I post. We can only hope! 

Until next time!

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